The number of the lessons of a student per week

Not only due to the time difference the gimnasits are not enter and leave at the same minute at and from the school. Some of the 48 asked countries use another almanac. The school week is mostly from Monday to Friday. In Iran and in Somalia students go to school from Saturday to Wednesday. In Iraq and in Egypt, different from this, too, from Sunday to Thuesday. Exception is Nepal, too, where the school from Sunday to Friday, only Staurday is the hol. In Yemen, there is day of rest only on Friday. Everywhere the education starts between 7am and 9am, but in Norway, there are days when it starts at 10am. In Mexico, Seria and Turkey the day is divided into two section: there are people who go to school before noon, and there are people who go to school afternoon.


They said that, in their country, a student how many hours must have minimum and maximum in a week. The chart does not contain the Study Groups, competition perps, turorials and plus sports training. In the column chart, the countries are listed in ABC order, that there is no ascending or descending order. In the chart, the denominations are marked as classes.


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*According to the embassy, there is no set peak in Brazil.


Through the different use of the calendar, the longness of the dividing of the week id different, too. While in South Africa the lesson is 30 minutes long, in Finland 75 minutes long, in Iran 70 minutes long. In Austria, the 86 minutes long lessons are common, and in Norway the double lessons without break, so those are 90 minutes. (these are visualised on the chart as two other lessons). In the other countries, the 40-55 minutes long lessons are common.


In England, the schools decide about the longness of the lessons, what is 45-60 in secondary school, then at the six-forms school is other again, there can be a 140 minutes long lesson!

In Canada, the courses of the secondary schools are offered as credits. One credit is 110 hours long education. This means 40 minutes long lessons between September and June, or from September to January 75 minutes long lessons. Likewise in England, it can be change by the decision of the school. Because of the Covid, some of the schools are offered 150 minutes long lessons – these are mostly ended today. In the secondary school, the 75 minutes long lessons are the most common.


In the USA (Florida State) and in the Philippines isn’t used a timetable, since they are in the same class on every day.