Compulsory Education

,How old is it mandatory to go to school?”  With this, we can have a picture about which age group goes to shcool in that country. This value is not the same with the age of the writing of the baccalaureate exam.

,,Every children have right to learn. The UNICEF thinks that the education is not only universal law, but that tool too, which helps defeating the poorness, the illnesses and the unequality in the society. If we make our children learn, we make chances for them and insure their future, and the local society would became stronger, too. “

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* There is no compulsory education in Iran, Myanmar and Somalia.


There are countries, where there is compulsory education last until 11, 12 or 14 and up from 14 age. However, the 13 age was not a decision none of these countries, and up from 18 none of the countries obliged the children for going to school.

Melyik országban függ össze ez a meghatározott életkor a törvényes nagykorúsággal, vagy akár a szavazati joggal? Hány éves korban lehet hivatalosan munkavállaló egy gyerek? Milyen gazdasági és társadalmi következményekkel jár, ha egy országban alacsony a tankötelezettség, és milyen következményekkel jár, ha ez kitolódik? Adott országok mennyit költenek